
Prof. Jonas W. Ringsberg

Professor Jonas W. Ringsberg is a Professor of Marine Structures in the Division of Marine Technology, Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. Professor Ringsberg is a Fellow of the UK Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) and a Fellow of the US Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). He has received SNAME’s Vice Admiral E.L. Cochrane Medal (2008). Professor Ringsberg is the Editor-in-Chief of the Ocean Engineering journal and Associate Editor of several other distinguished journals. Since 2006, he has been a member of several International Ship and Offshore Structures Committees (ISSC), acting as the chair of the committees on Quasi-Static Response and Ultimate Strength. Professor Ringsberg is active in research within several areas that relate to marine structural engineering and materials science, e.g., structural integrity analysis, constitutive material modelling of materials and their characteristics, ice mechanics, Arctic engineering and transportation, crashworthy structures, and sustainable engineering. He also works with wind-assisted ship propulsion, marine renewable energy (wave and wind), autonomous shipping, energy modelling and performance analysis of ship systems, ship route optimization, as well as computation methods for fluid-structure-interaction analysis.